Life Insurance Hub

No Exam Life Insurance

Make Your Life Easier With No Medical Term Life Insurance


No exam life insurance can make simple what could otherwise be a tedious exercise. You know you need to buy additional life insurance so you finally decide to take action. You decide on the plan you want and the amount. It would be nice just to answer some questions and get a no exam life insurance policy issued but you are politely told you have to do a medical examination.

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The underwriters in the life insurance company are within their rights to request the medical examination because they want to know that they are not insuring someone who is going to die on them the day after they issue the policy. Although most insurance companies issue impaired risk policies they do look for the people who are in good health. There are certain age limits which would qualify a person for no exam life insurance. Insurance companies like most of all to insure young healthy people who are financially stable. In other words they have a job. Middle aged people who are in fairly good health are another favorite group. As you get older it becomes more difficult to get a preferredlife insurance policy issued.

For many years insurance companies have been issuing no exam life insurance policies. The amounts they issue varies from $5,000 or $10,000 to as much as $500,000 in some cases. If you are in the preferred groups mentioned above you may qualify for a life insurance policy without having to do a medical examination.

In lieu of a doctor poking you every which way all you need to do is answer a few questions truthfully and you will be able to obtain a policy. Life is so much easier now that some life insurance companies even allow you to give them the required information online. Some of them go as far as to allow you to print out your policy right there on your own printer. Awesome, isn’t it?

Here are some of the questions you will be asked for your no exam life insurance policy.

  • They will need your name, address, date and place of birth, and of course who you want to be your beneficiary.
  • The insurance company will run through medical questions regarding your present health and your medical history. They may even want to know a little about your family’s medical history as some medical conditions are hereditary.
  • If anything in your answers indicate that they should need additional information either from you or your attending physician they will request it.
  • The insurance company may also request an inspection report.

Sounds simple doesn’t it? Well it really is.

Click here and get your no exam life insurance quote:

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