Life Insurance Hub

Term Insurance No Medical

Term Life Insurance No Physical

Term insurance no medical, no physical, no doctors exam seem to be the order of the day for many people.

You want to just go buy your life insurance with no hassle, you want your policy quickly.

You can get life insurance with no exam but the idea of acquiring a policy with no health questions is not practical.

The no health questions policies start out at a fraction of the face amount and increases over a period of time, usually 10 years, until you are covered for the full amount.

You must answer some health questions.

The life insurance companies want to know what the state of your health is at present.

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Term Insurance No Exam

They also want to know something about your medical history. There are also some ailments that are hereditary. They want to know about these as well.

Accurate answers to these questions help the underwriter better assess the risk.

Buying life insurance is very important to you as you want to protect your family or your business. It is also quite an important business decision for the life insurance company.

They need accurate information in order to assist you achieve your objectives.

When they offer no medical term life insurance they assume that you will be truthful but they verify your answers. It takes a few minutes.

Why don’t they ask for a medical exam. There are 2 reasons.

The first reason is that no medical life insurance makes your buying much easier. The second reason is that it costs them less to issue a policy. This results in more profit for the company.

The policies issued are level term insurance policies for 10, 15, 20, and 30 years. The amounts are between $25,000 and $1,000,000.

The ages you can apply are between age 18 and age 65. Some offers go to age 50 and others to age 60.

Life insurance buying has come a long way, only younger people used to qualify for life insurance without your having to do a physical.

Now people can get some no physical coverage up until age 65. You do need to be in fairly good health though.

Protect your family with quality term life insurance – No Medical Required.

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