Life Insurance Hub

Term Life Insurance No Medical

Term Life Insurance With No Exam Required

Term life insurance no medical is the latest craze. You know, you need life insurance and you have been advised to buy a term life policy. Now, what is the easiest way to get your family protected?

What you need to do is to buy your term life insurance with no medical online. There are a few companies selling this type of life insurance online but they are not all equal. There is one that stands above them all. It is the cheapest and the most highly rated.

Why is this important? You don’t want to be paying too much for your life insurance and you also want to know that you are dealing with a solid carrier. We are still experiencing a recession but there are some companies that still stand strong. Here is the offer.

Click to learn more about term life insurance with no medical exam required.

Term Life Insurance No Medical

This policy is offered between age 18 and age 65 and is renewable up until age 95 with no evidence of insure-ability. That means you wont have to prove you are in good health to qualify for renewal. This carrier offers up to $500,000 coverage at the outset.

The policies offered are the 10, 15, 20 and 30 year term life policies.

When you buy life insurance at younger ages you don’t usually need to do a medical exam, if the policies are not too large. As an example, most carriers will sell people in their early and mid twenties up to $1,000,000 term life insurance no medical required.

As you get older a medical examination is usually required even if the amount of insurance you need is only $100,000. This carrier, however, will sell you up to $500,000 of life insurance and you just need to answer a few medical questions. You are not required to do a medical exam.

Normally it takes a while before you get your policy approved but with this carrier you get an approval in about 15 minutes.

All the information is taken online and you will not need to see an agent.

There are other carriers offering term life coverage without an exam online. One offers coverage up to $1,000,000 if you are age 60 or below and you are in very good health. If you do not qualify they will ask for a physical.

One other offers a maximum of $500,000 coverage up to age 50.

Click this link to learn more: No Medical Term Life Insurance.

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